
Ghost Hunting 101

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Unfortunately for us, ghost hunting is merely theory and conjecture. With all of our technology available to us, we have not yet devised a way to take a person from this dimension into the next and back again. Those that have experienced a near death experience may say that they have been as close to the next dimension as we can get, but again, we have not been able to positively prove that.

Below is a list of explanations of hauntings that we feel can explain hauntings and the reasons they occur:


General Hauntings

"A garden variety "haunting" is a repeated manifestation of strange and inexplicable sensory phenomena at a certain location--a.k.a spooky stuff in the crib. But does this always mean that we're talking about an actual ghost? Nope, it doesn't--at least not all the time (but we'll get to that later).

For now, let's talk about ghosts. Hauntings occur with no regularity and for no particular reason. Some weird stuff may manifest on occasion or even continually for a few days or hundreds of years; others may only occur on certain anniversaries; and others may be totally random.

It is generally assumed that hauntings involve apparitions, or ghosts, of the deceased. In fact, apparitions are seldom seen. Most hauntings involve noises like footsteps, a tapping or knocking sound, strange smells, sensations like the cold prickling of the skin, cold breezes, and the feeling of being touched by an invisible hand. Other hauntings involve poltergeist-like activity such as solid objects being moved, broken glass, doors that open and close by themselves, and manipulation of lights and electrical devices.

People who visit haunted locations also report a variety of emotions, including anger and fear. Many cases like this are mistakenly called "evil" or "demonic." Other places seem to involve friendly, or at least harmless, emotions. In these instances, there is no need to call the Ghostbusters out of retirement.

Poltergeist Activity

You've seen the movie, but how much do you really know about poltergeists? Poltergeists are probably the most misunderstood form of hauntings. The word "poltergeist" actually means "noisy ghost" in German. Researchers used to believe that noisy ghosts were causing the phenomena reported in so-called haunted houses. It was assumed that an outside force caused the things that occurred in a house that was "haunted" by a poltergeist. But today, most investigators no longer think so.

A variety of phenomena can be connected to poltergeist activity: knocking and tapping sounds, noises with no visible cause, disturbance of stationary objects like household items and furniture, doors slamming, lights turning on and off, fires breaking out, and much more. Today, researchers think that while the activity is certainly paranormal, it has nothing to do with ghosts.

You may be surprised by who's really causing the activity, however. The widely accepted theory behind poltergeist phenomena is that it's usually caused by a person. This person is usually an adolescent girl who is going through an emotionally troubled time. The theory is that this person may be unconsciously manipulating the items in the house by psycho kinesis, which the power to move things by energy generated in the brain.

Kinetic energy remains unexplained, but even mainstream scientists are starting to admit that it may exist. It is unknown why this energy appears in puberty-age girls, but it has been documented. When the activity begins to occur, the girl is usually in the middle of emotional or sexual angst. It is also possible for young boys, and even adults, to manifest this odd ability. The majority have no idea they're causing the activity.

If you or someone you know is freaked out by this kind of experience, it is always better to consult a competent mental health practitioner. Of course, not all hauntings can be so easily explained. In some cases, people aren't the cause of the situation. Sometimes it's possible that the source of the activity is an intelligent spirit. These entities try to make their presence known by moving objects. If this is the case, then it's time to think about moving.

Residual Hauntings

This type of haunting is much more common than people realize. But we have to remember not to confuse this type of phenomena with an "intelligent" haunting, because, while it is interesting and unexplained, ghosts may not be the cause.

The easiest way to explain this type of haunting is to compare it to an old film loop. Imagine an old movie tape is stuck in the VCR and the same clip keeps repeating itself. In locations where these hauntings take place, a powerful event or a series of events may be imprinted on the atmosphere. It can then suddenly pop up and play itself at random. But it's not necessarily visual; they are often replayed as unexplained sounds. The famous "phantom footsteps" reported in many haunted locations are a perfect example of this.

How does this kind of thing happen? The sounds and images are related to traumatic events that took place at the location, causing some sort of disturbance sometimes called a "psychic impression." This is the reason why so many battlefields have become famous for their hauntings over the years. In other situations, the images have been created by events or actions that were repeated, which caused an impression. Reputedly, that is why so many haunted staircases exist, because of the number of times people go up and down them and the amount of energy that is expended in doing so.

These kinds of haunted places act as giant storage batteries, saving up the impressions of sights and sounds from the past. As time goes by, these impressions appear again as if the VCR had been turned on. While apparitions are most commonly connected to these types of hauntings, much of the activity may be in the form of sounds, and even smells.

Portal Hauntings

The idea of a "portal" or a "doorway" to another dimension is not a new one--though it may be a wild one. These doorways may provide access for entities to enter our world. They may be the spirits of people who've died, or they could be something else altogether--perhaps otherworldly beings from another dimension? Hmmm...

One of the most common locations for these "doorways" seems to be in cemeteries. As a rule, most cemeteries are not haunted, but recently, ghost hunters have collected dozens of anomalous photographs taken in graveyards. There seems to be no explanation why many of these cemeteries would become haunted unless they provide access for spirits, or entities, to pass from one world to the next.

It is possible that these sites were "haunted" long before a cemetery was located there. It is also possible that the psychic draw of the area was what caused our ancestors to locate a cemetery there in the first place. Native Americans chose their burial grounds in this manner, although they did it consciously. They found a place to bury and honor the dead that they felt was more closely connected to the next world.

Traditional or Intelligent Hauntings

This type of haunting is perhaps the most widely accepted kind of ghostly activity, although it's not as common as you might think. Here, the spirit or entity involved is an "intelligent" presence in a haunted location. It is there because of a connection to the site or to the people in the location. This ghost is best (and most simply) described as the personality of a person who once lived and who has stayed behind in our world instead of passing over to the other side.

This sometimes happens in the case of a murder, traumatic event or unfinished business. At the time of death, the spirit refuses to pass over because of these events. The spirits often linger because of emotions that tie them to the earth, from anger to love. Or perhaps the person does not pass not because they couldn't, but because they did not want to. In other cases, there is the chance the spirit does not even realize they are dead (like Patrick Swayze in "Ghost"). This can occur when the death is sudden.

These spirits are made up of the energy that once made up the personality of a living person. These intelligent spirits are not evil or demonic, as some would have you believe. Spirits are simply human personalities, or souls, and if the spirit was a kind and caring person in life, the spirit will most likely be in death. On the other hand, angry and cruel people will also keep those same nasty qualities as spirits. These negative spirits can be frightening, especially to people not trained in the paranormal. In very rare cases they have been able to harm the living, but that is generally not the case. It is much more common to hear of an encounter with a benevolent spirit than with a negative one. That's a relief, isn't it?

What to bring with you;

35mm camera, with at least 400 speed film.

A Digital Camera is good.

Camcorder with Night Vision Sony has nice night vision.

Flashlights with extra batteries you never know when you will need them.

Voice Recorder to record EVP's.

EMF Meter or if you don't have one a compass will work until you can get one

Hand Radio's are good to communicate between teams

Cell Phones are good to have along in case of a emergency

First aid Kit

Pen and Paper to take notes of any noises you hear or anything you see.

Before starting Investigations; you should go to the site during the daylight and walk the whole site. Look for any unsafe spots and map them out so after dark you will know to stay away from that spot. Also take pictures during the day, you can always get stuff during the daylight hours too. Always get permission from the property owner before going on any site for a hunt. 

Find out all you can on the history of the site as you can. Good places to start with this is library, and courthouse. If these don’t help you may ask local residents around the area the history on the site.

Make sure to bring your ID along in case police question you, you can prove who you are.

Never go alone always go in teams of three (3). Always tell someone that isn't with you were you are going so if something happens someone knows were you are.

Best time to go is 8:00 pm to 6:00 am this time is called the psychic hours. Choose your date carefully. Paranormal activity heightens at certain times, mainly within 72 hours before and after either a full moon or new moon. You can check out dates on most calendars that have the lunar cycle, or online. Since spirit energy is magnetic in nature, another good time to ghost hunt is during peak geomagnetic fields and solar storms. You can check these fields out at NOAA anytime. The theory behind this is that spirits can draw from the charged atmosphere to enhance the level of activity. Also, activity is usually heightened during solstices and equinoxes as well, though there is no scientific reasoning to support this.

Make sure to log everything if you sneeze log it. Some researches carry recorders so not to have to write it all down.

Do not  wear perfume; spirits use odors to get your attention. Take note of any odors.

Never make a conclusion. Or share your conclusion before all reports, tapes and pictures are reviewed.

Before starting say a protection Prayer to protect yourself. Also when done say prayer to clean yourself of evil.



Apparition- an image with distinct features that enables one to recognize it as a person or specific object.  Typically associated with residual hauntings.

Banshee- Death omen spirit of Ireland that manifests to herald an approaching death.  Heard wailing or singing mournfully.  Contrary to popular belief, banshees do not shriek.

Battlefield Ghosts- places with violence, trauma and intense emotion are typically subject to hauntings.  There are no places more violent than battlefields, and it is rare to hear of a battlefield that isn't haunted.  Most battlefield hauntings are residual hauntings where fragments of the battle are replayed over and over again.  Other hauntings are from spirits who have not crossed over, most likely because they feel they can't due to the nature of their death.  Some believe retrocognition is also an element in battlefield hauntings.

Calling Ghosts- Ghosts that call out the names of the living to get their attention and lure them to their death.  An example would be sirens of mythology.

Clairvoyance- paranormal vision of objects, events, places, and people not visible through normal sight.

Crossroads- The meeting and parting of ways has always been considered magical.  In addition, crossroads are said to be haunted by various entities who lead confused travelers astray.  It is also said that on All Hollow's Eve (Halloween), spirits of the dead appear at a crossroad.

Ectoplasm- Vaporous substance, often white in appearance, sometimes forms into faces, limbs, or entire bodies of ghosts.

Electronic Voice Phenomenon- (EVP) recording on audiotape, videotape, film, or digital recorder for which there is no physical source. Most often, these voices are difficult to understand.

Elemental- an angry or malicious spirit, also referred to as "earth spirits".  Elementals are considered to be ancient.

Exorcism- Expulsion of ghosts, spirits, demons or other entities believed to be disturbing or possessing a human being or place that humans frequent.  Exorcism can range from friendly conversations to rituals commanding the entity to leave.

Extra- A shape or face that appears in a photograph supernaturally and cannot be explained away as fraud, developing flaws, or faulty film.

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)- Paranormal sensing of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch separated into three categories: telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition.

Ghost- generic term used to describe many different types of supernatural entities.

Ghost Hunting- methods of investigating reports of ghosts and hauntings to determine their authenticity.

Grey Ladies- ghosts of women who supposedly died violently for the sake of love or pined away from loss of love.  The name comes from  their frequent appearance as ladies dressed in grey.  Variations include ladies in white such as the one that frequents Spangler's Spring in Gettysburg, PA.

Haunting- repeated manifestation of strange and unexplained sensory events such as smells, sounds, tactile sensations, and hallucinations, said to be caused by ghosts or spirits attached to the locale.

Intelligent Haunting- Paranormal activity that takes place around a person or location that is caused by an intelligent or conscious spirit.  Best described as the spirit of an individual who has passed away but not crossed over.  The spirit interacts with people trying to make its presence known through repeated sights, sounds, smells, and the manipulation of objects.

Orb- Energy anomalies that are recorded on film, digital cameras, infrared monitors, and videotape. They have also been seen using night vision goggles. Considered the most basic form of a spirit.  Orbs provide the best evidence of a haunting.  Do be careful of photographing reflective surfaces as these can create orbs in a photo.

Paranormal- meaning beyond the normal, term is used to refer to unexplainable events.

Poltergeist- from the German word poltern "to knock" and geist "spirit" this term is used to define a mischievous or malevolent ghost characterized by noises, moving objects, and physical disturbances.

Reciprocal Apparition- A rare type of sighting where the spirit and the witness see each other and react to one another.

Reincarnation- concept that the soul returns after death to a new body.  Explanation of past lives.

Retrocognition- Displacement in time in which one apparently sees into the past

Séance- Sitting organized for the purpose of communicating with the dead or to witness paranormal manifestations via the services of a medium.

Spirit- Discarnate being, essence or supernatural force of nature.

Spirit Photography- Photos alleged to reveal ghosts, spirits, or spirits of the dead.  The first spirit photo was taken in 1861.

Supernatural- Events that take place beyond, or in violation of, the laws of nature.

Urban Legend-  A story too good to be true.  Contains strange but supposedly real event.


Dos & Don'ts

Here is our best list for common sense items when Ghost Hunting:

  1. Keep a clear head. This means no alcohol consumption or use of any controlled dangerous substances.

  2. No smoking. The possibility of it being photographed and mistaken for ectoplasm is high. In addition, if you're too busy inhaling that acrid tobacco smoke, your nose is dead to any paranormal smells you might encounter.

  3. Don't trespass. Always have permission to conduct an investigation.

  4. Don't jump to conclusions. You always want to make sure you consider all possible explanations, natural or otherwise.

  5. Be open-minded. If you think there are no ghosts, then obviously for you, there won't be. Skeptics bring negative energy that could compromise an investigation.

  6. Research. Always make sure you try to find some information on the place you are investigating before you investigate. The history of a place, be it a town or a single home, can shed some light on why a place may be having paranormal activity.

  7. Either remove the camera strap or wear it around your neck. It's amazing how many times camera straps have been mistaken for ghostly photos. In keeping with that theme, make sure long hair is pulled back, and all fingers are away from the camera lens. Simple, but important.

  8. Make sure all of your equipment is in perfect working condition. Dust and dirt buildup can cause problems. It saves you money overall to maintain clean equipment.

  9. Bring a flashlight with extra batteries. You never know when that flashlight, camera, recorder, scanner, (you see where I'm going) is going to run out of juice.

  10. Bring along a notebook so you can write down your observations. It is also a good idea to keep a log of your investigations. I recommend keeping track of moon phases, weather and solar weather.

  11. Never go alone. Having more than one person insures that nothing will (hopefully) go unnoticed. It is also good to compare notes on an investigation and because you have more to fear from the living, there is safety in numbers.

  12. Write down your observations before sharing them. This insures that your story is not subconsciously altered by what someone else tells you.

  13. In cold weather, hold your breath while taking a photo. I've seen so many photos of "ectoplasm" that was nothing more than breath in cold air.

  14. Do not take photos while walking or driving along a dirt road or path. This can lead to photos of dust particles and not orbs.

  15. Do not take photos in rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, or fog. It may also be a good idea to keep track of the pollen count in spring and summer and avoid photos when the count is high.

  16. Remember you are out there to record paranormal activity and to have fun. But DO NOT be disrespectful in areas such as graveyards or old buildings. No horseplay or loud obnoxious behavior. Remember, this is not YOUR home.

  17. No Ouija boards.

  18. Talk to the spirits and ask for their permission to take their photo. I also try to explain that I'm not there to be disrespectful but that I am trying to understand them.

  19. Do not take photographs with the camera pointing directly at the sun. This can create "sun dogs" (hexagon shapes) that are sometimes mistaken for orbs. This will also create "sun flares" where the red lines in your picture may occur that are confused for spirit energy.

  20. Don't take photos of reflective surfaces. This would include mirrors, glass windows, and even still pools of water.

Identifying Haunted Sites

It must be acknowledged here that for every known haunting recorded in North America, there have been dozens of suspected hauntings that were ultimately attributed to natural causes, hoaxes, or confusion on the part of witnesses. However, by following the steps below one can confidently confirm or disprove a site's haunted nature. The advice is given in no particular order and, although written with the assumption that the site is a suspected haunted house, most of the tactics can be easily translated to cover all other haunted sites.

·         Investigate the geography of the area - Sometimes, during the course of an investigation into ghostly phenomena, it is discovered that the afflicted house rests atop a cave, mine, underground stream, fault, ore deposit, or other unusual geographical incident. Any such natural occurrence can cause a wide range of disturbances within a home that, although unsettling, are not the work of ghosts. In particular, ore deposits cause magnetic fields that disrupt televisions and other appliances. A frequently moving fault creates the illusion of poltergeists, as does a sinkhole or similar unsound foundation. Caves, underground streams, mines and the like can echo with bizarre noises that rise into the "haunted house", creating the illusion of disembodied voices floating through the home.

·         Study the landscape - In particular, look for large power lines, train tracks, nearby airports or subway lines, power plants, radio towers, or other manmade structures. Passing trains, landing planes, or even large trucks driving past the site could be responsible for alleged poltergeists. Erraticradio or television waves, toxic waste, and energy emissions of any kind can also cause people to see "phantoms" or experience other strange visions.

·         Check the plumbing - A burst or leaking pipe that has gone unnoticed for any length of time can cause a host of problems often associated with ghosts, including strange noises resembling disembodied moans and weird strains or ominous cracks on the ceiling and walls.

·         Search for rats and other vermin - Raccons, rabbits, stray cats, skunks, mice and rats can infest attics, basements, crawl spaces and hollow walls with surprising ease. The movements of the creatures, as well as their incessant chattering and chewing, have often been misinterpreted as ghostly phenomena.

·         Investigate the house's history - A house that has been remodeled, rebuilt or otherwise altered extensively can have many quirks easily misinterpreted as a haunting, such as frequent settling, creaking supports, electrical abnormalities, and the like. The same is true for any house forced to endure a natural disaster, including a tornado or flood. However, the house's history can also suggest a ghost's presence.

·         Bring animals into the house - Almost all animals are incredibly sensitive to the manifestation of ghosts. Dogs are among the most vocal upon sensing an invisible spirit and will typically bark ferociously at the unseen visitor, whine pathetically, attack the air or flee from the house altogether. Cats become increasingly nervous when in the presence of ghosts and are known to hiss or spit at the apparitions before ultimately fleeing as well. If you bring an animal into the house and the creature exhibits any of the above behavior, the home is probably haunted.

·         Observe the behavior of children - Children will often feel a ghosts presence, and even a spirit's personality, long before anyone else, although they are often reluctant to reveal the phantoms existence. Watch for children who talks to empty rooms or play with invisible companions. Alternately, be aware of children who are constantly upset,nervous, or paranoid, for they may have sensed a far more malign entity within the house.

·         Search for hot or cold spots - Temperature fluctuations are usally the first sign of spectral manifestation. On a mild day, wander the house in the hopes of stumbling across an area that is inexplicably much warmer or colder than the other parts of the house. However, once such a spot is discovered, be sure to check any heating or air conditioning systems, as well as nearby appliances, for problems. Next, assess the integrity of the walls, floor, and ceiling near the spot, as a broken vent, cracked wall, or loose floor board can easily alter the temperature in the area.

·         Call in a psychic - Many people balk at this suggestion, but a professional medium, sensitive, or psychic should be able to detect whether or not a house is being visited by a spirit. When you first contact a prospective psychic, only reveal that you are experiencing unusual phenomena at the site, but do not give specifics. Furthermore, while leading the psychic through the haunted site, reveal very little information about the house. Ths psychic's observations about the location's history and current troubles should reveal the extent of his or hers abilities. If the psychic is unable to sense anything relevant about the house's past or present, you have probably hired a fraud.

·         Invite a skeptic - If all else fails and you are still unable to determine the forces behind a suspected haunting, ask aid from a logical skeptic.

Information courtesy of The Field Guide To North American Hauntings, by W. Haden Blackman

Conducting a Ghost Hunt

Cemeteries and Haunted Houses

Arrive early with your necessary ghost hunting equipment and give yourself plenty of time to set everything up. Some of the equipment that you might want to use is a video camera, EMF detectors, 35 mm cameras loaded with brand new film and thermometers. Always remember to bring along plenty of flashlights. Don't forget to bring along some patience. Conducting a ghost hunt is a lot like fishing. You have to use patience!

Start by selecting a private room or a general area for a main base of operations. This base is where all monitoring should be done and it should not be an area where ghost activity is high. After the base has been selected, do a complete walkthrough of the general area. Check out every room and in graveyards walk around the tombstones in a 50-yard radius. Videotape the walkthrough if you are using video cameras. Make sure that you know the layout before you begin the ghost hunt. Get use to the area. The ghost hunt will go much better if everyone feels comfortable with the surroundings.

Use the EMF detectors to searching for anything out of the ordinary. If you do pick up EMF distortions or if you feel that there is an unearthly presence nearby take more photos. Just be aware that in cemeteries smooth glossy tombstone faces will reflect light from the flashlights or the cameras own flashes that could create strange light patterns in the pictures. Glass objects and mirrors will reflect light inside houses.

During the initial walkthrough or at any other time during the ghost hunt try not to unnecessarily touch or move objects. You should leave the natural environment alone. As you are doing the walkthrough in haunted houses hang up ghost catchers in doorways, between rooms or on staircases. If a ghost passes near the ghost catcher they will chime alerting anyone nearby.

If there are objects or pieces of furniture that have been reported to move put a chalk line or sticker on the floor next to these objects. If the objects happen to move you'll have a marker to judge and measure the exact distance.

Everyone participating in a ghost hunt should always know where the others are that way there isn't any confusion or misinterpretations. Sometimes handheld or headset radio communicators are good devices to stay in contact with the other ghost hunting members.

Always log every event that seems out of the ordinary, doors that lock, electrical problems, chandeliers swaying, strange lights, etc. Videotape everything for proof.

You can attach glow-in-the-dark or reflective tape to objects to help you with the layout or to mark special areas. They will be easier to see in the dark with the tape on them.

You don't need to turn off the lights inside of the haunted house to have ghosts appear unless it is vital to that particular ghost's appearance, and even then, leave some lights on for personal safety. Always have a couple mini spotlights ready for outside ghost hunts in case something happens and you need light fast.

Don't be afraid to experiment on ghost hunts. Ask the ghosts to appear. Put the video cameras on different settings. Try the EVP audio taping methods. Use anything that you think might have an effect on the ghosts. If nothing seems to be happening you might try to shake things up by playing religious music or by reciting prayers.

On any ghost hunt make sure to have packed plenty of snacks, drinks and maybe a board game. Ghost hunts can be long and tedious. You may have to spend several weeks inside at a haunted location before you experience anything strange. Patience is key!